Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Treat warts in 4 days

Tips to Treat warts in 4 days
by Tyrius Carter

Wart development happens when a human papillomavirus infects the outermost layer of skin and causes the skin cells to grow rapidly. Naturally the virus can then spread from an existing wart to other areas of the body, causing more warts. Various types of this virus thrive in warm, moist environments such as showers, locker room floors, and swimming pool areas. You are most likely to develop a wart where you have broken skin, such as a cut, hangnail, closely bitten nail, or scrape. Plantar warts are common in swimmers whose feet are not only moist and softened but are also scratched and broken by rough pool surfaces. Warts are easily spread by direct contact with a human papillomavirus. You can reinfect yourself by touching the wart and then another part of your body. You can infect others by sharing towels, razors, or other personal items. It is unlikely that you will develop a wart every time you are exposed to a human papillomavirus. Some people are more likely to develop warts than others.

Why treat warts? Many people do not treat warts. Warts do not cause cancer and generally go away on their own. However, you may consider treatment if you: Have a plantar wart that is painful to walk on. Have a wart problem that is getting worse, is easily irritated, or embarrasses you. Are concerned about spreading the virus to others. The benefits of treating warts should be considered with the drawbacks. Warts often come back, treatment is not always effective and may take a long time, and the cost may not justify the benefits. Some treatments can cause scarring.

How effective is treatment for warts? Although there are many treatments for warts, little is known about how effective treatment is. Even with treatment, warts often return. Nonprescription salicylic acid is as effective as or more effective than other treatments, with minimal risk and pain. A review of research suggests that salicylic acid is a safe treatment that effectively eliminates warts up to 75% of the time. By comparison, placebo or no treatment eliminated warts about 50% of the time.1 There is currently no evidence that cryotherapy is any more effective than salicylic acid.

For more information on moles and warts Subscribe to our newsletter and you will receive a FREE, 5-part email report "The Five Big Myths Of Removing Moles, Warts, and Skin Tags.

To discover a safe, fast and easy way to get rid of your stubborn skin moles, warts, plantar warts, genital warts, and even skin tags, so you too can get out there and LIVE your life... without the fear and health risks they present.

About the Author
Tyrius is one of the most respected and leading authorities on health. He has written several articles on effectives ways to help fight warts,moles, and parasites in the body.


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